Documentary Short Film.
Live at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater
November 2022
Nearly 15 years after his last featured performance, Mark revisits his poetic past with “Folded Whispers” at the historic Kelly Strayhorn Theater in Pittsburgh's East Liberty neighborhood. The retrospective short film features 17 new poems on urbanism, identity, love, loss, mortality, and peace.
News Media.
CITY LIMITS (2009 - 2013)
City Limits publishes investigative journalism and news content through multiple digital platforms and via distribution partnerships, and published a bimonthly print magazine. City Limits was established in 1976 and re-launched in 2009—with a new business model—as an independent, start-up news media.
Under leadership, City Limits received 20 journalism awards—including back-to-back Sigma Delta Chi Awards from the Society of Professional Journalists for producing America's top local investigative reporting—and Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared a "City Limits" Day (October 2011), proclaiming City Limits “a model for NYC and the rest of the nation.”
My Books.
The Poetic Repercussion:
A Poetic & Musical Narrative (2004)
“The Poetic Repercussion” returns Mark Anthony Thomas to his literary roots with the follow-up to his first book, “As I Look.” Soul-stirring and adventurous, this poetic and lyrical triumph narrates through the fundamental and elemental areas of culture- venturing through nature, love, politics, philosophy, athletics, education, spirituality, hip hop, racism, war, and a multitude of interlinking themes. Inspiring and entertaining, “Repercussion” blends traditional and cross-cultural literary styles with contemporary works of poetry, prose, spoken word, and music. Metaphorically set in a “Psychiatrist's Chair,” Thomas shares candid, personal, and fictional tales and songs through 101 “tracks” and 20 “interludes.” The energy and depth of one of America's young prominent voices has never been more evident.
Book Tour: December 2004 - June 2007
Honors: Getty Images Mishmash Global Winner Video, "In This Shop" (2012); Georgia Author of the Year, Finalist-Georgia Writers Association (2005); Poetry Book of the Year-LA Black Book Festival (2005); Poetry Foundation National Best Sellers List (2006)
Recommended By: BET, Rolling Out Weekly, APOOO Book Club, Cleveland Crusader,, New Pages Alternative, Mahogany Book Club, Infinite Greek Magazine, Colorado Urban Spectrum, New Voice of New York, VIP Atlanta Book Club, Black Collegian Magazine
ISBN: 0970364903
Format: Paperback, 68 pages
Publisher: Amazing Experiences Press
Retail Price: $8.49 (US)
As I Look. (2000)
"As I Look" is a collection of nearly 80 poems about self and social re-creation. Mark Anthony Thomas - presenting his first book at the age of 21 - outlines the evolution of young adults through poetry and prose, addressing issues ranging from motivation and religious discovery to self encouragement and abuse. Utilizing a variety of styles, each reader will take something from Thomas' visions and thoughts, which have been well received by audiences around the country.
Recommended by: Black Book Issues & Review, Infinite Greek Magazine, Atlanta Daily World, Dekalb Champion Newspaper